Masthead / Editorial statement / AI policy

 A bad idea from Jonathan Gerhardson. 

On Mastodon at


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The Generative Adversarial News Network:
News that is either computer generated, or adversarial; but never both.

Editorial policy:   This blog covers municipal public meetings. Ethics:  I calls 'em likes I sees 'em but am always open to constructive criticism. 

AP style, mostly.

Democracy dies, like everything.

AI disclaimers:

Unless otherwise noted, yes, I used artificial intelligence software products in the production of these articles. I fully vet* everything I publish and am prepared to catch a libel suit about it. (please don't sue me though)

*With the exception of some early more experimental posts which have VERY CLEAR AND LONG DISCLAIMERS IN RED FONT at the beginning of each of them, and even those are fact checked except for one that is intentionally not to demonstrate how AI hallucinations look in this context, and that one has an even longer disclaimer. (don't sue me about those either)

Only AI generated images that are so obviously AI generated that no disclaimer is needed are used. See title image as an example. Others are usually screen-grabs from meeting videos, etc.

donations (mama needs a new used 3090):

xmr: [82sBPjSQFwY6UdWvADzg4XBr1iK6eLRf9bCHTw15vAjMMteuJN5kgtWjGuE6prcAqP351UE2oheukTYDim2UsQevDUt5VHE]

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